riko yir Citadel Apartments of Venice Rates and Application

Welcome to Your New Home

We are happy to help you make a comfortable transition to your new home.
Please call to request an application

Rental Rates

1 bed / 1 bath apartment home
Sqft: 579
Starting at: $1,500.00 per month

2 bed / 2 bath apartment home
Sqft: 894
Starting at: $1,900.00 per month


Application Fee

Pet Fee

$75 per applicant

$25 per pet/per month

Rental rates include lawn care, pest control and 24 hour maintenance. Up to two residents accepted in 1-bedroom units; up to three accepted in 2-bedroom units. Market prices effective 10-01-21. All prices and fees are subject to change without notice.

Citadel Apartments of Venice

125 Airport Ave East
Venice, FL 34285
Office: 941-365-2221 ex 104
Fax: 941-451-8312

Office Hours
Wednesday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Or call to make an appointment

Call to schedule a
showing today!

941-365-2221 ex 104